Standard 10: ICT Practicals

Click on the links below for information about the Practicals

Practical No 1: To create a PowerPoint Presentation on “The Impact of ICT in Education”.

Practical No 2: To create a Blog on ICT Topic using Apply appropriate image as background and color scheme.

Practical No 3: Search for your State, City and School using Google Maps

Practical No 4: Create a simple document using a Word Processor in an Indian Language (Marathi) making use of a Unicode font.

Practical No 5: Convert the given English paragraph into Hindi using Google Translate.

Practical No 6a: To Perform offline scientific activities suggested in

Practical No 6b: To read the latest scientific news at

Practical No 7a: To Draw a line segment of length 6.5 cm and draw a Perpendicular Bisector to the line segment

Practical No 7b: To Draw an angle with 133 degrees measurement and to bisect it.

Practical No 8 : To construct a regular polygon with 6 sides using 'Polygon' tool in Geogebra

Practical No 9 : Find the mean, mode and median of the following data 11, 25, 28, 37, 65, 47, 58, 59, 78, 14.

Practical No 10 : Verify the Theorem using Geogebra -- The measure of an angle subtended by an arc at a point on the circle is half of the measure of the angle subtended by the same arc at the center

Practical No 11a : Verify the theorem using Geogebra -- If two circles are touching circles then the common point lies on the line joining their centers.

Practical No 11b: Verify the theorem using Geogebra -- If two circles are touching circles then the common point lies on the line joining their centers.

Practical No 12: The percentage of literate males between the ages 15 and 45 in a colony is given in the table below: