Welcome to ICT Gyan

On these pages you will find information and study notes about Information and Communication Technology. (ICT)

These notes will be very helpful to you in preparing for the X Standard Board Examination of Maharashtra Board of Secondary Education. Many of the topics covered here are also included in the Syllabus of F.Y.J.C. in the I. T. Course

Why refer to ICT Gyan?

You will find the notes to be very short, to the point, easy to understand and memorise for your Board Examinations. The Practicals have also been explained step-by-step, leaving very little scope for errors.

You will still have to refer to some other book for the Objectives, i.e., Fill in the blanks, State True or False, & MCQs but most of the other questions are covered here.

Need more help?

If you are a student who has difficulty in your studies you may contact me through this blog and I will try to help you.

  1. If I have the time and

  2. If I have the knowledge.

Want to get in touch?

My email address is below. Alternatively you could click below and fill out the contact form provided.

George Ferrao