Standard 10: Practical No 3

Practical No 3: Search for your State, City and School using Google Maps

The diagrams given in the Output Section should be printed and put in the Journal.


To Search for your State, City and School using Google Maps


Google Maps is a Web Mapping Service provided by Google. Using Google Maps we can find the map of a particular place, distance between start and destination, time taken as well as places of interest.


  1. Internet Browser.


1. Open a Web browser. E.g. Google Chrome.

2. In the address box type and press enter.

3. A map will come up showing places around your present location.

4. In the search box provided type the name of your state. E.g., Maharashtra. Click on Search.

5. A map of Maharashtra will come up along with parts of surrounding areas.

6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 to see maps of your city and school.

7. We can see more detailed maps using the + button or see a larger area by clicking on – button.

8. By typing other nearby locations in the directions box we can find routes to places of interest.

9. Information about approximate time taken for the journey and traffic conditions will also be given.



Thus we have found our State, City and School using Google Maps.