Standard 10: Practical No 4

Practical No 4: Create a simple document using a Word Processor in an Indian Language (Marathi) making use of a Unicode font.

The diagrams given in the Output Section should be printed and put in the Journal.


To create a simple document using a Word Processor in an Indian Language (Marathi) making use of a Unicode font.


MS Word software is one of many applications available for transliterating English into Indian languages. By choosing the proper Unicode font and a Phonetic keyboard we can transliterate into Regional languages.


  1. MS Word

  2. Shivaji Font


1. Open MS Word software by double clicking on its icon on the desktop.

2. Ensure that the language is set to Marathi.

3. In the Font name box select Shivaji and set the appropriate size.

4. Type the words required in Marathi by using their English language sounds.

5. The Output in Marathi will be automatically formed.

6. Check the output for any possible errors.



Thus we have used the MS Word, Word Processor with the Shivaji Font to type a document in Marathi.